This project is a true representation of our ability to work across geography and time zones to deliver a unique and well considered architectural solution. In collaboration with Design Collaborative / Hines Architecture and Design, we assisted in the development of the concept for Stage 1 & 2 of the international design competition for the new houses of parliament in Kingston, Jamaica. The scope included development of the architecture and interiors, inclusive of the production of key visual content for the scheme.
The 14,500 m2 complex includes the houses of parliament, administrative offices, public library, museum and supportive programming. The configuration of these programmatic elements was designed in consideration of appropriate levels of segregation / security while creating of a new publicly accessible attraction for the city.
The concept of “Out of many, one people” speaks directly to the shape and form of the building – singular yet built of diverse functions and made dynamic through occupation.
Client Name
Site Area
Gloss Floor Area
Design Team
Tu Phan
Logan Kemp
Tin Moe San
Aung Kyaw Min
Nyein Thu
Kay @ Kay Khaing Thet Htun
Swan Htet Zaw
Wai Phyo Aung
Wai Phyo Aung